200: The Crucifixion Old Master Painting after El Greco

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Straight out of an Estate Sale of a great collection we present this wonderful painting, executed by a follower after the masterpiece by Domenikos Theotokopoulos, also known as El Greco.

The famous Greek Old Master painter of the 16th century, produced several versions of his vision of the Divine Drama of the Passion which forms the very basis of Christianity.

This is the simpler of his known versions without the Angels and Saint John (James) and Mary the Mother of God that appear in some of the other depictions. Here, the Drama of the Crucifixion appears in its stark reality, intimately relating to His suffering, humiliation, and ultimate death.

Condition: Very good, possibly in need of a cleaning. Dates to the 1800’s.

Size: 45” x 30” for the painting, frame is 3” wide.