198: Ancient Roman Carved Marble with the Birth of Venus

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A magnificent sculptural monument, a carved marble container showing a scene taken from Ancient Greek mythology, the very moment that the goddess of Love emerges from within the white water clouds and foam of the sea, carried on a large scallop shell with hippocampi from all directions announcing the momentous event with the sound of a trumpet and the clamor of the seahorses, the crashing waves and the Erotes, the goddess’ own children leading the way.

It is a joyous event for all humanity as the goddess of Love brings forth good tidings to all humans, a counterbalance to the destructiveness of War and a sweet melody to sooth the pains of human existence.

The exact original purpose for this container can be debated. But it is clear that its size was larger and that it was re-purposed by the addition of a marble slab on the back. A larger size could indicate that it might have been a part of a sarcophagus or a larger public monument. The supports are modern specifically made to support the Roman marble sarcophagus.

It is in excellent condition, a masterful work of art dating to the 1st/2nd century AD.

Size: 14″ H x 30″ W x 11″ D