149: Neo-Classical Gold Circular Brooch with Carnelian Intaglio

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Fine gold brooch with a handmade tiered gold setting with various faux braided and twist borders. set with a large round orange carnelian intaglio, beautifully carved depiction of a kneeling Greek warrior holding his sword, and his shield to the side, shield decorated with the face of a goddess.

Size: 1 ½” dia.

Condition: Intact, excellent. Sturdy and suitable for wearing. A beautifully carved intaglio example.

Provenance:  NYC collection, ex. Francesca Artuner collection, Brussels, 1960s. Earlier, this piece was in the personal Collection of ancient gems belonging to Count Stanislas Poniatowski.

Prince Stanislas Poniatowski (1754-1833) was the nephew of the last King of Poland. He was a passionate admirer of antiquity and a collector, especially of gems.

Over the years his collection of “ancient gems” grew to well over 2500 pieces which he presented to the world with the publication in 1830 of the catalogue of his collection. These pieces the Prince claimed to be ancient original intaglios, many signed by famous artists of antiquity.

Upon the Prince’s death the collection was offered for sale at auction with Christies, London but this action caused considerable upheaval amongst collectors and academics when it was discovered that the Prince might have been willingly duped into believing that his famous “ancient engraved gems” were the work of contemporary engravers in Rome, but also that the Prince had personally commissioned each one of them. However, to this day these gems enjoy great popularity amongst collectors for their excellent craftsmanship, delicacy, beauty and embodiment of the classical spirit.

(see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanisław_Poniatowski_(1754–1833) ) for a complete bio. Of Count S. Poniatowski.

Additional information

Dimensions 1.5 in